J. (Joon-Seok) Kim

j@jkim.nyc github.com/jkim-git

I am an end-to-end software maker based in New York City. I specialize in mobile development (iOS) with supplemental skills in interaction design, web services development (React, FastAPI), and applied AI engineering.

Recently, I have been working on an app called Artifacture — a provider agnostic, general purpose AI prompting interface for research and prototyping. Please say hi if you are interested in working together! Cheers.

[download resume] Work & Projects:


Founder & Developer (Web - React, Server - FastAPI, Interaction Design) 2024 04 - ongoing Artifacture is a general purpose AI prompting interface for research and prototyping. It allows users to experiment with AI models and tools with natural language prompts. Currently in development!

Technical Details:
  • Developed a cross-platform application for interfacing with Large Language Models from leading providers as well as the open-source community.
  • Augmented conventional chat interfaces, including branching, context size customization, configuration tuning, templating, and more.
  • Designed a system for curating and editing prompting context, distinguishing between manually inserted or edited content and organically generated AI responses.
  • QuestNote

    Founder & Developer (Mobile - iOS, Server - FastAPI, Interaction Design) 2023 06 - ongoing QuestNote is a conversational journal that lets users create notes, manage tasks, and talk to an assistant that can create those items on their behalf based on the context of the conversation. Simply chat with the notebook like you are speaking to a friend and have your thoughts organize into actionable insights. Currently in development & looking for beta testers. Please reach out to j@jkim.nyc if you are interested!

    Technical Details:
  • Designed and developed the mobile application written entirely with first-party modules, zero dependencies.
  • Built the app from the ground up to be highly customizable, letting users personalize appearance of UI components and how the app integrates with AI models.
  • Learned FastAPI, SQLAlchemy, Pydantic, Docker, and other related technologies to develop and deploy the server.
  • Learned the fundamentals of machine learning through online courses (DeepLearning.AI machine learning specialization and Stanford open course for Natural Language Processing) and developed prompting techniques (context aware content generation, dispatch functions for tool use, and self-review / course correction mechanism).
  • NYPL

    Technical Team Lead - Mobile 2022 08 - 2022 12 I had the privilege to work with 4 gifted mobile developers in an effort to support New York Public Library's initiative to modernize their e-reading products. I lead the mobile team's effort to prototype a brand new e-reader app to compete with the apps offered by the private sector. Out of all the work I've done here, I am most proud of the fact that I advocated and improved the working conditions of the mobile developers, offering structure and recognization for all of their hard work.

    Technical Details:
  • Prototyped a cross-platform mobile app using Ionic's Capacitor framework
  • Led mobile team's research effort to integrate modern mobile development paradigms for the new e-reader product
  • Helped modernize the digital organization's hiring practices and team-wide communication
  • Galileo Health

    Software Engineer, Team Lead - Acquisition & Virality 2019 06 - 2021 06 A doctor on your phone, only few taps away. Galileo transformed the painful process of scheduling a doctor's visit, getting renewals for prescriptions, and organizing medical records into a delightful experience you can manage with few button presses. I worked with doctors, developers, and designers to support their life-saving mission.

    Technical Details:
  • Developed a health care mobile application collaborating with medical experts to provide a holistic digital clinical experience.
  • Led and coordinated a team of engineers, designers, and market researchers to optimize the onboarding and recommendations flow. Architected and integrated A/B testing and automated UI testing frameworks.
  • Jammer

    iOS Engineer 2017 06 - 2019 06 A magical app where anyone with a passion for music could create their own versions of popular songs, regardless of their background or technical skills. Using algorithms created in collaboration with musicians and programmers, Jammer provided a way for people to seamlessly transform their innate sensibilities into instant musical re-arrangements.

    Technical Details:
  • Led the initiative to organize and modernize the mobile development tech stack, converting legacy codebase written in Objective-C to Swift and streamlining complex operations with the integration of reactive functional programming paradigm & MVVM architecture.
  • Headed the development and participated in the design process of various features including input data based recording / playback system (programmatic music generation), background data loading, album art carousel UI, and more
  • KnowMe

    Fullstack Engineer (Mobile - iOS, Web - Ruby on Rails) 2016 KnowMe was created with the purpose to make the simplest and the most authentic video platform. KnowMe makes it possible for anyone with a smartphone and few photos to be make personal movies on the go. I had the fortune to work side-by-side by some of the most talented engineers and designers in the endeavor to make this product.

    Technical Details:
  • Developed a mobile multi-media video creation tool primarily with Ruby on Rails, front-end JavaScript, Swift, and Apple’s AVFoundation framework.
  • Headed the development initiatives of new features to the core application including the Persistence Layer (RealmSwift), 3D Touch based audio editing, dynamic full screen reactive UIs (RxSwift), and more.
  • Point A

    Founder & Developer (Mobile - iOS, Interaction Design) 2015 Point A was built with a simple purpose – to get things done. I have tried all conceivable methods and tools to boost my productivity, often relying on tools such as pomodoro timer and to-do list apps. Eventually I realized that the main motivating factor of these productivity tools did not lie in their ability to let you plan, but in giving you a sense of accomplishment and accountability. With that epiphany I built Point A. A tool for managing, analyzing, and sharing your progress without having to spend time planning.


    Founder & Developer (Web - Ruby on Rails, Interaction Design) 2015 Truest started with a vision where everyone in the world would have a say in deciding what is considered the truth. It is my belief that in the age of the Internet, where information is becoming exponentially more available to everyone, the role of deciding what is the truth should be given to all members of society. With that idea, I built Truest – a collective debate platform where each motion and its assertions are judged based on the merit of their reason and the validity of their evidence.

    Samsung Smart Simulator

    Project Manager 2014 I have had the privilege to work on the Samsung Smart Simulator project through SJ Design Studio as a project manager. There I oversaw the process of transforming conventional product manuals into interactive & user-friendly simulator programs. I have helped create simulators for many of Samsung’s flagship tablets, smartphones, cameras, and more.